‘Africa Listen’ speaks to the heart of every South African who, living on home soil or abroad, dreams of a better tomorrow. It was penned and performed by Cape Town-based artist, Charl ‘Babyboy’ Pilwan, who has always dreamed of bringing hope through music. The song, and the message behind it, resonated particularly well with the Leverage BPO team as we also strive to make a difference by creating job opportunities for the South African workforce.
A Name that Stuck
Charl, who originally hails from Retreat in Cape Town is no newcomer to the music industry. He kicked off his career as a vocalist and actor in 1992 and within three years also found himself delving into the world of DJ’ing. As the youngest child in the family he soon earned the nickname ‘Babyboy’ which has stuck with him throughout his entire life. Even his manager, who he met while in Bali, called him by his nickname when he failed to pronounce his full name. Charl became acquainted with grief at a young age when he lost his father when he was only thirteen years old. It was at this point in his life that music not only became a crutch for him to lean on, but also an outlet for a myriad of pent-up emotions.
With a supportive mom behind him, always encouraging him to dream big and do his best, Charl found his way to the UK where, after living on the street for some time, he met Grammy Award-winning artist, Craig David. Craig inspired Charl to share his colorful, heartfelt stories through the magic of music. Although his and Craig’s paths never crossed again, he took his words to heart and has not looked back since.
A Song Born During Dire Times
When lockdown was first announced in South Africa in March 2020, Charl was grateful to be able to spend time with his cherished family. At the same time, however, he was also fearful and troubled about what the future may have in store -especially for his children. During a conversation with his wife, Charl caught a glimpse of his daughter’s bright smile. That simple smile triggered a very comforting feeling in Charl: it was hope. He saw so much kindness and compassion while in lockdown in his home in District Six and that is exactly what he aimed to capture in ‘Africa Listen’.
It Takes a Village to Produce a Song
Although the song is credited to Charl, it took a team of very talented and dedicated people to turn his vision into a reality. Denver Damons, Charl’s writing partner, added guitars to the track while Keith Marlo together with two female vocalists added a touch of magic as the backing vocalists. Jamaican musician, Saint Peter Miller collaborated with Charl on the rap segments, adding a vibrant, home-grown touch to the track. The entire music video was also shot in a day and once against highlights that anything is possible when people work together for a common cause.
Just writing a song about love and hope was not enough for Charl and he decided to pledge 10% of all singles sales to local charities. During an interview he was quoted as saying: “Lockdown has hit the most vulnerable the hardest and I’d like to do my bit to give back as much as I can. If I help you and you help another and they reach out, we all move forward together.”
It has been more than a year since “Africa Listen” was first released and it still continues to bring hope to a nation that continues to strive for a better tomorrow regardless of the mountainous obstacles they face every day.