When you think about BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) there are more benefits for a business than we can write content about, at least without a large scholarly effort. What we are able to do is share what we believe are the 5 largest benefits of utilizing BPO in your company.
1. Cost – When people consider outsourcing, cost is the benefit that people usually think about first. Not only is the cost of a person’s salary a consideration but employee benefits and taxes are generally large costs as well. Obviously we need great employees to grow our organizations and to provide excellent service but how many do we need. That’s where BPO (business process outsourcing) comes in. We need to take a look at what can be done by others outside of your direct organization. These team members will cost less money, do not require benefits and come with 0 additional payroll taxes. As if those savings weren’t enough we will next talk about the employee focus reganied and the positive outcome for your managers next.
2. Employee Focus – One of the main benefits we hear from our customers is that their employee get to “focus” again. No, that doesn’t mean they were unfocused employees it means they get to focus on what’s most important to delivering value to the customer and they get to focus on the skill that you originally hired them for. Let’s face it, in today’s quick changing workplace we ask our employees to do more and more without every removing any work from them. By using Leverage BPO it’s been reported that employees can now work on the high value work that they’re best suited for while outsourcing to us the digital paper pushing or whatever else is cluttering their day. The more your can offload from your team the less “high-priced” skill players you need.
3. Reduction of Management Fatigue – It’s often said “Business would be easy if it weren’t for the people”. If you directly manage people you know exactly what that statement means. It’s not that we don’t love our teams we do but it can be downright exhausting talking to Bobby about how for the 14th time just because they said you’d make a $100k in college that doesn’t mean you start there. Or listening to Jimmy talk about how in a meeting Susie wasn’t listening to his ideas … whew …management is hard. This doesn’t include the pressure from upper leadership of goals and milestones. Burnout at the manager level is common. We hear from our customers that working with us has helped shift not only cost and responsibility but also the management burden of the remote team. Once we’re clear of the result we’re being hired to achieve it’s our job to get that result for you. Less People Hired in House = Less Management Challenges.
4. Scale – Hiring takes time, energy and resources often at a time of growth when they are already limited inside your organization. By working with a BPO service provider we have that infrastructure in place to scale up talent much faster than the companies that hire us. Since BPO companies are constantly hiring and building a virtual bench of talent we have people to tap into instantly. Our management team helps not only get the team in place but also helps train them and ultimately holds them accountable for their performance. You’ll also see many of these benefits overlap each other.
5. Reduced Risk – Hiring people and employing people is scary. One wrong question asked, one slightly misconstrued statement and you have a problem. Now let’s be clear, I’m not saying not to hire people. What I am here is say is a smaller, higher paid team is the formula to low drama and maximum output. If you can outsource any business process that is not mission critical to be done in house or even if it is mission critical it’s repeatable. A process where if you just simply do these things you’ll get the same guaranteed result each time, it can easily be outsourced. If you’re saving money here, then you can pay a little more there. Happier, well paid people are often the key to your customer’s happiness and ultimately your own.